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ECCH’s Board is collectively accountable for developing and monitoring the strategy of the organisation, its financial and business reporting and for reviewing the effectiveness of its system of internal governance.

The Board operates six sub-committees, each chaired by a non-executive director. These are:

  • Remuneration Committee - responsible for making decisions on behalf of the Board about the remuneration of executive directors, remuneration policy for the company and appraising the performance of the Executive Team.
  • Independent Renumeration Review Group - acts on behalf of the Remuneration Committee in matters concerning Non-Executive Directors (including the Chair) and Staff Directors’ remuneration.
  • Audit & Risk Committee - oversees audit and risk management processes, including financial risk management, and has audit oversight, including Information Security and Governance.
  • Quality Committee - provides assurance to the Board on all aspects of quality, safety and the experiences of patients in our care.
  • People Performance and Finance Committee - ensures the planned and actual use of ECCH’s resources is in accordance with our strategic vision and values.
  • Shareholder Council - provides a medium for dialogue and consultation between our shareholders and the leadership of ECCH. It enables staff, as owners of the organisation, to engage with its running and its future plans.


Annual Governance Statements

ECCH publishes an Annual  Governance Statement every year. It draws together position statements and evidence on governance, risk management and control in order to record the stewardship of the organisation, and to supplement its accounts.

Annual Governance Statement for Year ended 30 September 2023

Annual Governance Statement for Year ended 30 September 2022

Annual Governance Statement for Year ended 30 September 2021

Annual Governance Statement for Year ended 30 September 2020

Annual Governance Statement for Year ended 30 September 2019

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