Staff at all levels of our organisation are aware of the essential need and responsibility to maintain high standards of infection control at all times.
We have a dedicated team in place who ensure effective arrangements are in place for the provision of a full infection control service including policy production, surveillance, audits, education and training.
What is Clostridium Difficile Leaflet
What is GDH positive toxin negative Clostridium Difficile Leaflet
Clean and Infected Linen Handling and Laundry Policy
Disinfection of Equipment, Surfaces, Environment and Skin Policy
MRSA Patient information leaflet
Non-touch Aseptic Technique Policy
Norovirus (Winter Vomiting) Patient information leaflet
Respiratory Viruses Policy (Including SARS)
Sharps Policy for Safe Handling and Disposal of Sharps
Taking a Mid Stream Urine Specimen (MSU) information
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