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Dietetics Service


ECCH’s Dietetics Service provides expert help and advice to adults with specific needs to make sure they receive the right nutrition and hydration to maintain or improve their wellbeing. This includes people with learning disabilities or diabetes, as well as those who have problems swallowing, use a feeding tube, who have had a stroke or may need to follow a special diet for other reasons.

Our aim is to make it easier for people using the service to access support for diet or nutritional problems, by bringing high quality care closer to home.


Our clinics

The service is run from four clinics:

  • Beccles Hospital – Thursday between 10am and 2pm
  • Northgate Hospital, Great Yarmouth – Thursday (all day)
  • Shrublands Health Centre, Gorleston– Tuesday mornings
  • Kirkley Mill Surgery, Lowestoft – Monday mornings

Our specialist dietitians work closely with GPs, hospital consultants, speech and language therapists and other community teams, including our stroke and diabetes teams, to make sure that patients receive the right support to meet their needs.


What will happen when I come to an appointment?

Before you attend your appointment, you may be asked to complete a food diary or answer other questions which will help with the assessment.

The dietitian will discuss the reason for your referral with you and may also take measurements, such as your weight and waist circumference. They will ask further questions about you and the food which you eat so that they can give you the right advice.

You will be able to ask any questions and are welcome to bring a family member or friend with you to the appointment.

Before you leave, the dietitian will let you know whether you will need a follow-up appointment.


Other services

Our dietitians run a home enteral feeding service, which provides assessment and continuing support for patients who receive liquid nutrition. We also offer a home visiting service for patients who are unable to attend clinics.

In addition, we provide support and training for staff working in nursing or care homes so that they can maintain good nutrition and hydration among their residents. Our dietitians also offer training to practice nurses and other healthcare professionals as requested.


You can be referred to the service by your GP, consultant, specialist nurse, dietitian, speech and language therapist or another health or social care professional.

When you have been referred, you will be contacted by an administrator who will make you aware of the dates and times of each of the clinics. Your confirmation letter will include all the details that you will need to find the location.

The service runs from 9am to 5pm; please note we do not offer a walk-in service at these clinics.


East Coast Community Access (ECCA): 01493 809977 – our operational hours are 7 days a week, 365 days a year, between 7am and 8pm.

Please note this is not an emergency telephone line. If you need urgent assistance or advice, please contact either your GP or NHS 111.