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Looked After Children Service (LAC)


The Looked After Children (LAC) service ensures that all children who enter the care system have an Initial Health Assessment (IHA), carried out by a registered medical practitioner.

Each subsequent review health assessment will be completed by either a health visitor every six months (if the child is under five years old), or a LAC nurse (if the child is older than five).

Our ECCH team consists of three qualified nurses and two administrators. As well as undertaking health assessments, our LAC nurses support and offer training to foster carers and social workers. The service works very closely within the multi-agency forum to ensure timely completion of health assessments and appropriate referrals as needed.


Children/young people are referred to us by social care services.

Contact Us

Hamilton HouseBattery Green RoadLowestoftSuffolkNR32 1DE

T: 01502 572380



Opening times:

8:30am-5:00pm Monday to Friday (However, nurses do visit carers' homes or a child/young person's school if the child/young person wishes to have their assessment completed there. In these cases, it can be completed after school).
