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Specialist Palliative Care Services


Our specialist palliative care (SPC) service for patients in the Great Yarmouth and Waveney area is delivered in partnership with St Elizabeth Hospice.

We have six beds at Beccles Hospital which are supported by a consultant and nursing staff to provide specialist palliative care. This includes symptom control and physical and emotional wellbeing support. Our hospital team works alongside a team of community nurses. We also offer day care services in the form of Community Care Units.

Community Care Unit

The Community Care Unit is a new service, replacing day care services in Great Yarmouth and Waveney, which will continue to support patients with complex needs. The new service will support symptom control, advance and improve ease of access to professionals and provide social integration.

It is aimed at those suffering from a progressive or life-limiting illness requiring the input of several of our professionals and would benefit from having their appointments on the same day.

In partnership with St. Elizabeth Hospice:

  • Community Care Units operate from Beccles Hospital, Martham Medical Centre, Louise Hamilton Centre and the Pear Tree Centre
  • Pre-booked appointments will be available for patients to receive multi-professional input
  • Patients booked in with the relevant professionals will have the option to stay on the day of the visit
  • Patient care will be booked depending on individual needs


Community Care Unit - Frequently Asked Questions



Referrals are accepted for patients over 18 years of age with a life-limiting or progressive illness. Patients may have unresolved or complex symptoms that cannot be met by their usual health care professional team. This may include support for family members.

Please click here to make an online referral to Specialist Palliative Care

Contact us

Patients, relatives and healthcare professionals can call St Elizabeth Hospice’s 24 hour specialist palliative care advice line – OneCall – at any time for support on 0800 567 0111. You will also need to call this number if you wish to make or change an appointment.
