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Community Care Unit - Frequently Asked Questions

What can I expect at a Community Care Unit?

To attend on a given day at one of our Community Care Unit locations where you will have pre-booked appointments with the professionals you would benefit from seeing


What do I need to bring?

Please bring with you what you require for the length of time you are with us. For example, medications, water and mobile phone. If you have a live-in carer or a personal care assistant, you may find it helpful to bring them with you.


How long can I stay for?

This is dependent on the location of the unit.

In Great Yarmouth and Waveney:

  • We are open between 10am and 4pm.


Will there be refreshments available?

There will be some light refreshments and beverages available. You are also welcome to bring your own.


How long will I come for?

This will depend on when each professional will need to see you. Some people may come weekly to begin with and then may only need a review six months later. Some people may only need to be seen twice a month. Everyone will be different. This will be discussed with you and will be dependent on your own therapy goals.


What additional things are on offer?

In the future, for a small suggested fee, we aim to have bookable appointments available for our hairdressers, complementary therapy and beauty treatments. Please note, that this will not be available in the initial periods while the service is being developed.


Can I park?

Each of our sites provides free parking.


Do I have to organise my own transport?

Yes, we can provide you with the contact details should you need to organise ambulance transport.


Will my care needs be met?

This will be discussed as part of our triage process. Each location will have on site healthcare assistants that are there to assist with some activities to support your comfort.


What is the referral process?

The referral process for the Community Care Unit remains the same as follows:

If you are a professional, patient or family member wanting to refer to our services, please complete this referral form:

If you are already known to the hospice you can speak to a member of our staff when you see them next or please call the OneCall on 0800 567 0111.

Each referral will be assessed by the team for suitability. A team member may want to discuss this further with you to ensure that this service is best placed to meet your needs. We may also work with other services in the local area so that your personal goals can be met.


How can I find out more information?

Please call the OneCall team on 0800 567 0111.


Can I come to the Community Care Unit for respite purposes ?

At your initial assessment, your care needs and goals will be discussed. The Community Care Unit offers a social element to our services, however if it is identified that you and/or your carer would benefit from respite, we will work with you to explore services in the community available to help you meet this need.